Let Kaizen Accounting support you complying with LOCAL TAX, for a safe GLOBAL TRADE
As a high-tech drilling company from Japan, at Starhardtech, it seems we are under pressure from many sides. On the one hand, these machining operations require absolute precision in today’s high-tech characteristics. On the other hand, the pressure to export large quantities of drills (sometimes up to thousands of drills a month) to Japan, one of the most “rigorous” countries. But the most difficult is that backend activities must be able to coordinate smoothly, especially with a thin resource & only specialized in technology like Starhardtech.
Growing from a golf equipment & equipment supplier from Singapore, encroaching on a potential market like Vietnam seems to be a must. But the price that every business pays for any potential, is not free.
Hello, we are Hello Bac Si – a Singapore-owned company, and joined the Vietnam market from the middle of 2016. Our business orientation is to become a bridge website. between pharmaceutical brands, hospitals, health consulting businesses – objectively and effectively for consumers.
constantly updated financial status
legally protected from tax risk
highly saved on accounting costs
Kaizen Accounting Team is recommended for being deeply knowledgeable with TAXES